“With support, self-knowledge, and zesty inspiration, we can enjoy being stronger and wiser as we age.”
fun facts
I am a polyamory and alternative relationship enthusiast. This exploration has been among the most rewarding practices in my life
You might remember me as a Book Lady, longtime fixture at Magers & Quinn Booksellers in Uptown Mpls
I've taught at many twin cities yoga studios (neighborhood, non-profit and corporate), created and taught Date Night Yoga - A Romantic Partner Yoga Experience and directed the weekly kirtan program One Sanctuary.
I was voted “Most Individualistic” by my High School graduating class
-I dance around town in public spaces with a group called Don't You Feel It Too? www.dyfit.org
Why I do what I do
My greatest life lessons have come from breaking free from expectations (societal and my own). With support, self-knowledge and zesty inspiration, we can enjoy more being stronger and smarter as we age
Enjoying the aging process; stronger and smarter, better equipped
Physical strength becomes personal empowerment
trainings and certifications
Bikram’s Yoga College of India - 2003
Ashtanga Adjustments Training with David Swenson - 2005
Laughter Yoga Leader 2010
Facilitator of Teacher Trainings, Yogi Trainings, and Nutrition Workshops at Core Power Yoga 2010-2012
Para Yoga Teacher Trainings with Rod Stryker - 2011, 2012
Qoya Training - 2012
Trauma-Informed Yoga training - 2020
Personal Trainer Certification - 2021
Senior Fitness Specialist - 2021
Thai Yoga Bodywork Training – 2022
Don't You Feel It Too? member 2014-present (organizer and cohort)
S. Mpls is my home, every season, I enjoy the parks, the many lakes, and the bike/ski trails.